04 April 2009

big bunny foo-foo

Not that Easter has squat to do with rabbits, but...here's one for the bunny book. I'm actually slightly grossed out by this and may never watch Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes again.

"Karl Szmolinsky, who raises a breed of rabbits called 'Giant Grays' in the backyard of his house in Eberswalde, Germany, shows 'Robert', a 19 pound rabbit, who is 2 and 1/2 feet long and has ears 10 inches tall. He recently sold 8 of his rabbits to a delegation from North Korea that wanted to raise the breed as a source of meat for the North Korean population. Mr. Szmolinsky said his rabbits reach a maximum weight of 23 pounds."

From the land that gave us Hasenpfeffer, it shouldn't surprise me that this guy is German...

Aufdegonow, Miss B.
PS/Can you eat something that you've named? Shudder...