27 June 2009

dear kelly clarkson | part 2

Okay Kelly, no time to dilly-dally here. If you read part one, you may be a tad miffed at me. I don't mean to get your dander up, really I don't. You're a cute little thing, I just think you can do a whole lot more with what you have. Which brings me to this army brown pleated shipping box you decided to wear to the ASCAP awards. This was the best thing you could find to wear? Really? It gives you no shape whatsoever. I take that back, it gives you a shape, just not the right one. Even just adding a belt would have helped and probably made you look about 15 pounds lighter.

And for heavens sake, use your noodle...if you have pudge-a-muffin knees, don't wear a dress with a bubble hem that lands right above them. If you're going to do that, you may as well strap on a pair of knee cymbals, rent a monkey and make some money from it.

So, here are some la-dee-dah dress up ideas. I like the silhouettes of the 2 dresses. The Preen dress, with the tighter hemline, would need some black fishnets or opaque hose to de-emphasize the leg.

If you don't mind me asking...like you have a choice...what's going on with your hair? Every so often it looks decent, but for the most part it looks like you head to Super Cuts whenever they have a coupon. Maybe it's me, but it seems like most music divas have a fabulous head of hair...you know, Beyonce, Tina Turner, Fergie, Cher, Christina Aguilera...to name a few. Anyway, I'd like to see you go either lighter or darker on the color and a tad more sassy-rocker-girl on the style.

My favorite is the red with the chunked out color. Isn't it super cute?!!!

So, I was about to put this blog entry to bed when I stumbled upon this picture of you at the 2009 Much Music Video Awards in Toronto. Love the dress, love the color, love the shoes, love the hair. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it.

Good for you! Miss B.

1 comment:

ejm said...

Rent a monkey and make some money from it! Oh Miss Bea you crack me up!