30 July 2009

does anyone know what time it is?

A reader from Bucktown, Ohio writes:

Dear Miss Bea~

I've been waiting and waiting for the next installment of creepy eBay doll heads. Will you be posting a fresh batch of pictures any time soon?

Holding My Horses in Bucktown

Dear Holding My Horses~
Thanks for writing. Your wish is my command. Enjoy! Miss B.


PP said...

Dear Miss Bea,

If the fashion styling gig doesn't work out, perhaps you should consider a career as a comedy writer. I hear SNL is hiring.

Seriously, I just laughed so hard I...well, I drank a lot of water earlier, and...well, you know.

You're a hoot!


Beverly ("B" for short) Really

SKW said...

Awww, you're sweet to say that Beverly. Laughter is a good thing...don't you think? Just not on a full bladder. =)