06 July 2009

nothing new under the sun

I'm a firm believer that there is nothing new under the sun...just the same stuff packaged a little differently. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big proponent of creative-types, but besides God, really everyone else is just kind of doing variations on a theme. That being said, it always amuses me when the who's who of fashion-la-la-land make a big ta-doo about a so-called 'new' fashion trend...which is rarely ever new-new. Know what I mean? But who's going to tell Valentino or Karl Lagerfeld, "Hey old dudes, been there done that. You know, if it 'was' a fashion trend, then maybe there's a good reason why it's not around anymore. Capiche?"

Soooo where was I...ah yes...I have a couple fashion rules that I live by, but this one I consider my 'golden rule' of fashion rules. And that is...if was already sucked into wearing something once in my lifetime, I'm not falling for it again. For example...
  • Hot pants...check.
  • Platform shoes...check.
  • Afro...check.
  • Caftans...check.
  • Granny dresses...check.
  • Blue eye shadow...check.
  • Mini skirts...check.
  • Jumpsuits...
...oh please...no one would resurrect those "polyester-how-the-heck-do-I-go-to-the-bathroom-in-this-thing" body bags? Would they?

Oh brother...

Beyonce...sigh. I never thought I'd say this, but compared to the jumpsuit, the Louis Vuitton sandals are looking pretty good right about now.
[You have no idea how it pains me to write that.]

Scarlett Johannson. I guess if the acting gig doesn't work out, she's got the maintenance thing to fall back on.

Katie Holmes in her own design. I know, I know, I was shocked too. Tom is probably wishing about now that he had a bottle to go home to.

Oh Tyra...I can't even imagine what your biscuit looks like on the back side of that jumpsuit. Like two cats fightin' in a gunny sack.

Hmmm...incarcerated orange. Unfortunate choice of color.
Appropriate...but unfortunate.

Let's leave the rompers and onesies for the little ones, shall we? Miss B.

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