29 October 2009

who knew?

I've always kept a roll of duct tape in my kitchen utility drawer. Not the best looking stuff, but certainly effective in emergency situations when super glue just won't do.

So I was scooting around on the internet yesterday...doing some research on duct tape, and I happened across several pictures of creative fashionable uses for the gray stickum. Who knew it was so versatile?

Enjoy! Miss Bea

Looks like this one has a Saran Wrap turtleneck under the duct tape. Good tip...if you're uh...pardon me...daft enough to try this sort of thing at home.

Uh yea...bathroom, dude. You may want to re-think that
on the next go around.

That's gonna leave a mark.

I'm feeling a craft project coming on. www.ducti.com

1 comment:

MarilynT said...

W.E.I.R.D. BUT, you should also check out this site: