08 March 2010

oscar this not that

Once again the Academy Awards have come and gone and alas...I am sad to report that no one called...

not Miley...

not Meryl...

not Mariah...


Nonetheless...I will not be daunted in my humanitarian quest to help these poor silly style-challenged celebrities. So onward and upward with a little game of "this not that".

KATE WINSLET...'this' little dress by Pamela Rowland.

'Not that' monotone David's bridal knock-off.

CAMERON DIAZ...my pick would be this sexy gown by Versace. 
Comes with a warning, "Sit at your own risk." 

Not that. Pretty, but way too old school for her.

CHARLIZE THERON...'this' Isaac Mizrahi gown.

Not that "Hey-I-have-purple-cinnabons-for-boobs" number.

MERYL STREEP in 'this' Antonio Berardi design.

Not that. Way too matronly.

MARIAH CAREY...'this' dress by Zuhair Murad

good grief...NOT that.

I've got you under my skin, Miss Bea

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