13 April 2010


In my efforts to find the end of the internet, I happened upon this lovely photo of Mischa Barton of which I felt it my duty to bring to your attention. Not to make light of...nor to be mean...but that others might be helped in their quest for fashion greatness.

[if you're listening carefully you can hear the strains of 'God Bless America' in the background]

...do I hear a collective sigh?

So, what can we learn from this? Here are a few of my thoughts:

1)No matter how good the markdown is on a pair of designer jeans, if they make you look like a lumpy stick of butter, just walk away. 
2)The term 'skinny jeans' refers to the cut of the pants, not the notion that wearing a skinny jean will in any way make you look thinner.
3)If you need assistance to either get 'in' or 'out' of the jeans, then you probably need to go up a size...or two...possible three...okay four.
4)If a pair of orthopedic surgery hose can garner the same look and fit as a designer jean, then save the cash and go with the hosiery....that or a couple cans of rustoleum.
5)If the pants come with a coupon for Monistat and a recipe for making yeast rolls, they're probably too 'air tight'. Remember, your lady parts need to 'breathe'...if you catch my drift.

And one final thought...just because you're drinking something does not mean it is low in calories. Check out the Starbucks site for nutritional information. Some of their stuff is half a days worth of calories. And sweetie, it's fairly obvious where that's going.

Love ya, mean it!  Miss Bea

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