03 June 2010

giving a hoot

This time of year I spend an inordinate amount of time sitting and staring at my computer screen. Okay...let me clarify. I spend an obnoxious inordinate amount of time...not just inordinate, but like every spare second watching these little Stone Owls in the Netherlands that I am captivated by. The mama owl will sit for hours with her wings puffed out and extended over her babies...it's the most precious thing to watch. I've tried to capture a screenshot and yes, that is a dead mouse in the bottom right corner. For someone with a weak stomach, I seem to be able to forgive all the grossness of mealtime when I'm watching the mama feed her little babies. Anyhoo...this will all make sense in a moment...I promise.

So, I'm noodling around on the internet and I run across this picture of Alicia Keyes at a charity event and I'm thinking she spends time watching the Stone Owls as well.

uhhmmmm...the only thing I can figure as to why she's wearing that...that vehemoth pinata of a dress is that she took the whole "Keep A Child Alive" thing literally and decided to participate by roosting a few of the little ones under there.

You go girl. But keep an eye out for a bunch of kids running toward you with a big stick. Might want to pack some candy just in case.

Hit me with your best shot! Miss Bea

1 comment:

MarilynT said...

I think you're onto something!

Their relationship began while he was still married. Klassy.