14 February 2011

Red carpet recap...2011 Grammy's

...you know when you're in the grocery store?

...and someone announces "clean up on aisle 9"?

...pretty much my sentiments regarding this years Grammy red carpet.

For best use of duct tape...the award goes to...

For most likely to explode upon sitting down...
Gram'ma Funk...kudos for repurposing your old shower curtain too.
I see your twoo cuhwers are bwack.
I'd like to personally thank Rihanna for reminding us once again 
to just say no to crack.
Home Depot is proud to sponsor Katy Perry as this years Vis Queen.
Katy will be signing autographs later in aisle 7, next to the replacement windows.
Hey Barry? uhmmm, yea...the 1980's called and they'd like you to 
Copacabana yourself into the 2000's.

Three words...

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