11 May 2011

bless his heart

My poor husband. I feel so sorry for him. Over the years we've had multiple skirmishes based on either the giving or not-giving of gifts. He's so traumatized by the whole thing that he breaks out in a sweat whenever a significant gift-giving occasion is on the horizon. Like, for example, our 20th wedding anniversary. We planned a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate. I spent several months shopping for a gift for him and finally settled on a beautiful Catena swiss watch. When the actual day of our anniversary arrived, I presented him with his gift. He blanched white, started to stammer and finally squeaked out the words, "Uh...I thought the trip WAS the gift". I knew at that point that I could either ruin the rest of our get-away by making him pay, or I could get over it, forgive him and move on. So after more than a few tears, I told him, "Okay, from now on, here's the formula...if it ends in a zero or five (meaning 20th anniversary, 25th anniversary etc)...get a BIG gift, comprende?" That's been a running joke with us and anyone who knows us...it's funny now...not so much at the time. Anyway, this past Monday was our 30th wedding anniversary, and I knew the poor guy was probably sweating bullets on what to buy. Most men would have given up by now, but he continues to stay in the game and try, try, try...standing "O" for that, right ladies? Due to some family issues etc, we put off the whole anniversary thing until last night, when with the disclaimer he handed me my gift and said, "Now we can return this if you don't like it", I opened this beautiful hand crafted lampwork bead necklace made by a local artist by the name of Wendy Emery.

Each glass bead is individually hand crafted. Isn't it gorgeous?!!! I just love it. And I love that he picked it out for me. So, job well done Chipper...bless your heart! xoxo2infinity, Miss Bea

1 comment:

ejm said...

Well Done indeed! It is gorgeous! and It screams S, err Miss Bea!