13 August 2011

don't burst my bubble

You know, I'm more than a little creeped out by people who do balloon animals. You know the ones. They work every opening of a new Chucky Cheese restaurant and remind you of your burned out 7th grade gym teacher.  I always look at them and think, "Wow, you can actually make a living doing this type of thing? Your parents must so proud." (I hope that doesn't sound snarky...) I'm pretty sure that if I would have said to my parents, "Hey, I'm thinking about spending the rest of my life twisting balloons into little animals"...they would have packed my bags and immediately purchased for me a one-way ticket to Looneyville.

So I'm bopping around on the internet and stumble across this 'balloon artist' who does 'balloon couture'...just typing that makes me giggle. Anyway, her name is Rei Hosokai, and she's kind of the Rembrandt of balloon buffoonery.

I know, right?!! It just goes to show that a little bit of ingenuity and a whole lot of hot air can catapult just about anyone into celebrity status in the world of art and design. Don't get me wrong. The woman has skills. Her dresses have sold from $1930 to $3860 and each dress lasts about 24 hours...unless you sit down...then...well, you're on your own.

Enjoy! Miss Bea

1 comment:

a life less ordinary said...

you are genius Ms. Bea, I love your writing, this is fantastic!! HarperLeo