21 November 2011


What's it called when you kind of gag, and you have a little ka-ka that backs up and leaves an awful sour taste in the back of your throat? 

...oh yea.

Gum anyone?

SJP...sweetie. I know you like to kind of push the fashion envelope, but this...this...whatever this is looks more like you raided the season one wardrobe room of Dancing With The Stars.

So, before stepping out again with some oddball dress/coat combination, it might be good to review a couple important tips:

1)Length. Pick one...either long or short, but not both.

2)Color. Same same. Mono y mono...as in chromatic.

3)Style. The coat can have a little more detail, but the dress underneath needs to be a simple shift with clean lines.

With the holidays coming up, I am super-duper busy. So be a love and cut out the crazy for a couple weeks. I need a break. Love ya, mean it! Miss Bea

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