26 August 2009

the eyes have it

So in keeping with the whole 'snow-leopard-cat-theme', I thought I would share about my recent fascination with this retro trend I'm seeing in eye makeup.

I was in Kohl's Department Store this weekend and as I was in the checkout line, I was studying the clerks eye makeup. Really cool cat eye liner on the top and nothing around the bottom of the eye...no liner and no mascara. We started chatting it up and I complimented her on it...determining in my head that I was going to try it. So from personal experience, let me give you a couple tips.

1)Do not start out trying this with liquid eyeliner...unless you're going for raccoon instead of cat eyes. The girl at Kohl's recommended MAC kohl pencil, either in black or charcoal, which is a smart move.

2)Make sure your eye liner pencil is sharpened. I know this may seem like a no-brainer, but it bears mentioning because obviously 'someone' didn't think to do that. doh.

3)Start by brushing a nude or light pink shadow all across the eye lid and into the crease.

4)At the inner corner of the eye begin with a thin line, getting as close to the lashes as possible. The line should gradually get thicker as you get to the outer corner. You may need to go back over this a couple times to get the desired look at the outside corners. A Q-tip is a life saver here.

5)When you get to the outer corner, draw the line diagonally up just a teensy bit toward the end of your eyebrow. Emphasis on the 'teensy bit'...unless you want to look like Amy Winehouse. Again, taper the line to a point.

6)Now the hardest part of this whole deal...matching this on the other eye. Good luck. It's kind of like eating a bowl of cereal. You have milk left over in the bowl, so you pour in more cereal, then you have too much cereal, so you pour in more milk, an hour later you've eaten half a box of cereal and finished off the container of milk, feeling gross and bloated...not that this has ever happened to me...I'm just sayin'.

7)Finish this off with a generous application of black or brown black mascara. The girl at Kohl's just had mascara on the top lashes. I like to put it on both top and bottom.

Bottom line, I have to say that I haven't mastered the technique yet, but I do kind of like how it opens up my eyes a bit more. Even though it's retro, it looks modern. Anyways, try it and let me know how it works for you.

Eye-yi-yi-yi, Miss Bea.

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