10 September 2009

kicks and giggles

For good or bad, the runways have been all a dither with boots for fall...ankle boots, over-the-knee boots, rain boots, lace-up boots, stilleto boots, cowboy boots, peep-toe boots [the folks in Minnesota are laughing their Carhart's off on that one]...anyway, you get the idea. Boots are a big deal this season, so get yourself a pair...or two...or three. Here are a few that made me laugh out loud. I'm not really sure who would wear some of these...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

When will I learn to just shut my pie-hole?
And this? Well, this was just a very unfortunate awards placement. Like who's even looking at the boobs...er ummm...boots. And speaking of awards...[how was that for an awkward transition]

Designer Giles Deacon gets the award for "Best Visual Rendering of Shamu Meets the Queen".

I get a kick out of you, Miss Bea.

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