15 September 2009

this, not this at the vma's

Well...the MTV Video Music Awards as usual, did not disappoint. It's been awhile since we played a good game of "This--Not This"...so here we go!

First up is your favorite and mine, Beyonce. In a word...'short'. Short as in, 'Wow...is that a blouse? or did she forget her pants?" If it were me, and I was sporting a maximus bootymus...not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just sayin'...the last thing I would squeeze my tuchas into is a super-short-super-tight dress...

...with pockets...

...that I stick my hands in...

...and pooch out the front like a stuffed deep dish pizzaria Hot Pocket.

I'm assuming that if you wear something like this, you aren't planning on sitting down. Or bending over. Or putting your hands over your head...sneezing, eating, bathroom, stairs...yea, all that...not gonna happen.
I see London,
I see France,
I see someone
forgot their pants.

I guess when you make a bizillion dollars as a recording artist,
no one really cares if you show up to an awards show
in a bathrobe and boots.

There comes a time in every woman's life, when she says,
"You know, I need to leave the couture crazy to the youngsters
and start dressing my age."
JLo...honey, that time has come.

Note to self: Big Bird, Carol Channing and
Raoul De Chenay from Phantom
should probably never be used as literal fashion guides.

Uh, yea Katy? David Copperfield's assistant called and
she'd like her outfit back.

Kanye West is a dork. Respectfully, Miss Bea.

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