08 October 2009

the office wedding . today is the big day

Well, it's finally here...the big much anticipated wedding on "The Office". I've included a snapshot of what I will be wearing to the ceremony and reception. I finally decided to just get them a gift card to 'Baby Gap'...I'm pretty sure they have one of those in Scranton, PA.
I've also included styling for the reception...keeping with the chartreuse and aqua theme.

oh...hold on just a second...i'm getting a phone call.

"Hi Honey...mmmhmm. [pause] Whuh?...you can't be serious. mmmhmmm. Well, I'm shocked. No. No I didn't know...[reeeally long pause]. Okay...well, I need to go...you too. Love you. Bye."
er humm...well...this is a little embarassing. Seems this 'wedding-thing' isn't actually real. You'd think someone could have told me that before I invested all this time and...ugh...well, don't I feel like a donkey's patoot.

Easy come, easy go, Miss Bea.

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