21 December 2009

dear susan sarandon

I always wonder when I see something like this, did the airline lose your luggage? Did you misplace the sticky note that said 'remember to wear a bra and shoes'?...or did you just want to make some type of vegan-women's lib-woodstock-bra burning type of statement? Whatever the case and whatever the reason, you might want to rethink that if there is a red carpet in your near future. It's hard enough in Hollywood to be an aging actress...at least that's what Meryl and Glenn have told me. (smirk) And I applaud you for not lifting this and botoxing that. But, there comes a point when you look in the mirror and make the sad realization that you're not 20 anymore and the girls, who used to be perky, are now bungee jumping toward your knees. So, make the most of it. Toss your tots in a Playtex, jam on some Jimmy Choo's and give those upstart actresses a boot in the biscuit.

Sigh...my work is never done. Miss Bea

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