19 December 2009

dear brendan fraser

Several years ago I rented a little movie about a family in the 1960's. The father had built a bomb shelter in the event of a nuclear holocaust. As circumstances would have it, a plane crashed near their home. The family, thinking that the end of the world had come, locked themselves in the bomb shelter with a time release lock set for 30 years. Cute movie starring Alicia Silverstone, Sissy Spacek, Christopher Walken and Brendan Fraser.

Which brings me to this...

...uhmmmm...did I miss something?

...are they shooting the Blast From the Past sequel aka "Return to the 1980's?"

Brendan...dearness...a couple fashion tips:

1)As hair styles go, the mullet has exited stage left and fortunate for us, will most likely not make a comeback in our lifetime. You might want to let your hairstylist know that and also discuss with him/her a little thing called 'bangs'...cause it looks like your forehead is declaring war on your hairline.

2)Never borrow fashion accessories from your grandmum...ever.

3)Lastly, if a piece of clothing, like...oh let's say a teal naugahyde jacket, has the possibility of igniting when you stand near an open flame, it might be best to upgrade to a more flame retardant option...like leather.

Luv ya mean it, Miss Bea Dazzled

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