09 December 2009

gaga over the queen

Hey LG...


Cirque du Soleil is on the line. Uhmm, yea. They want to know when they can get their stuff back.

On behalf of the American people...not that I have any position or authority...but none the less, as a citizen of the United States, I feel a duty, nay, a compelling obligation to apologize to the Queen and her subjects. [yep...you got it...high horse and I'm gettin' on it]


Good Lord LG, it's the queen...you know...not Latifah, the actual QUEEN...as in Her-Royal-Highness-Her-Majesty-I've-Got-A-Freeking-Ship-Named-After-Me-Reigning-Monarch and High-Uppity-Up THEEEE QUEEEEEN [Big 'ol "Q"] of E-N-G-L-A-N-D!!!

oh...good grief.

At least you had enough sense to curtsy when she greeted you...even if you didn't have enough sense to change out of that flame-retardant circus tarp.

Mind you...I know that not everyone will agree with me, and I'm totally fine with that. But, here's the deal for me...we know nothing of royalty in the United States. Further, we think the world revolves around us. People from other countries consider us arrogant and pompous...and frankly, we are. We foster an 'entitlement' mentality and lifestyle...the more we get, the more we want something else. Lack of respect for authority...for the elderly...for that matter, lack of respect for humanity period is reducing our culture to moral mush.

...wow...note to self...someone needs to switch to decaf...

Anyhoo LG...would it have killed you to change into something a tad more dignified...just to honor and respect the Queen? There are certain rules of decorum that I think are still relevant today...like wearing black to a funeral or not wearing white to a wedding. I'm not sayin' you should become something you're not, but just ratchet the kooky down a bit. Know what I'm sayin'?

Control your poison babe, roses have thorns they say...Miss Bea.

GaGa Photo credit: www.wenn.com

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