28 February 2010

dear helena bonham carter . part 2

You know, sometimes I give people the benefit of the doubt...thinking, "Well, maybe they just had a bad day," or "Maybe they just needed to rush out to get something and didn't have time to get all gussied up," or "Maybe this event just snuck up on them and they had to make do with whatever they had in their closet"...

...but then you see something like this...

...and then this...

...and most recently, this...

...and I'm sorry if this sounds judgmental of me, but I eventually come to the conclusion that someone is just dipping a little too often into the cuckoo crackers. I mean come on! You're attending the premier of your husband's latest work...if for nothing else, you know Johnny Depp is going to be there...could you just hop off the tacky train for a day and dress in something that remotely resembles clothing?


so...not like it's going to help, but here is a look I designed for you...has kind of a vintage feel without being dumpster-esque...if you get my drift. My fashion advice to you, Helena-sweetie, is that it's time to think about dialing it down a notch...or 2...or 10...whatever. The crazy meter needs a break.

Sigh, Miss Bea


ejm said...

As always Bea, your look is to die for. I think Miss Helena needs to stop trying to be that funky, out there, hippy, Goth chick. time to grow up and pull on your big girl pants.

MarilynT said...

Ok, I love what you've done here. You've given her permission to be a little...different, but not WACKADOO! I think this is absolutely FABULOUS advice.