So, first of all...horizontal stripes? Are you kidding? Unless you're in prison honey, NO ONE wears horizontal stripes, especially as height-challenged as you are. I get that it was a patriotic event and you were singing the national anthem...thus the red-blue stripes...I get it. But, honestly, if it's a toss up between, "Hmmm, this red-blue striped dress is patriotic-looking or Hmmm, my badonkadonk looks like a watermelon in this, maybe I should wear a different color"...go with the second option.
Second bit of advice, never ever wear a knit dress when you have that many curves. Especially a dress that makes you look like a stuffed kielbasa.
Third, when the captain of the Color Guard barked, "Attention!"...he wasn't talking to you. So slap on a bra sweetie. No one is interested in seeing your girls salute Old Glory.
If I were your stylist, which I'm not, but if I were...this is what I would suggest you wear.
God bless America, cause man we need it, Miss B.
OH, if JS would just heed your advice, Miss B!!! Fantastic!!
And that Rubin Singer dress? I must have it!!!!
I know! Isn't it just so cute!
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