22 February 2011

Fashion trend: I see London...

Predicting the next fashion trend is big business. So, not to be outdone, I of course thought, how hard could that be? So I set out to review the 2011 Fall runway shows...first in New York, and now in London. And one trend, which I must add no one seems to be following, has literally been 'cracking' me up. And that is...underpants. Everyone from Vera Wang to Richie Rich, showing panties, skivvies, whitie tighties...whatever you want to call them.

Now, I just want to make what seems to be a simple and overt observation...er hummmm.

They're called UNDERpants for a reason. Get it???!!! U-N-D-E-R...as in beneath or below. Case in point, OVERalls. Over...under...over...under. [I feel a Sesame Street rerun coming on]. If they were meant to be seen, it seems logical to me that is they would be called 'overpants'. Can somebuddy give a girl an Amen?

Alright. Now. We in the American midwest have already experimented with this fashion trend, and trust us...it does not work. I think I can speak for most of the heartland by saying that we're really not interested in seeing your junk. [although it would make null and void all of that airport security scanning]...hmmmm. I may need to re-think my position on this.

No. I'm standing firm. So, let this be a warning to those of you encouraging panty peek-a-boo. You had better think twice before unleashing a fashion trend on a segment of the population who's number one undergarment choice is called "Fruit of the Loom".

Photo credit: www.peopleofwalmart.com
I rest my case.

I see London, I see France, I don't wanna see your underpants! Miss Bea

1 comment:

MarilynT said...