15 March 2011

safety pins...they aren't just for diapers anymore

I have this uncanny knack of always being on the wrong end of a fashion trend. For example, I just cleaned out my clothes closet and pitched a bizillion mismatched buttons and safety pins that I had accumulated in my jewelry box. And then I see some of Tommy Ton's street pics from Paris fashion week.


But, I have to say that I love it when something as plain and ordinary as a safety pin, rises to epic status as the next fashion must have. You go safety pin! Just remember your humble beginnings and don't let it go to your head.

Photo credit: Tommy Ton
Photo credit: Tommy Ton
Loeffler Randall Alice Flats
Vena Cava
Central Saint Martins School of Art & Design
I'm feeling a craft project coming on! Miss Bea


ejm said...

Can you imagine going thru airport security wearing something that this?

SKW said...

No!!! Or having to take all of them off along with your shoes and bracelets and purse and rings and belt and jacket...sheesh! Can you say nightmare?

ejm said...

can you say dirty looks from the people in line behind you?