16 March 2011

panty hose tip

Just a little panty hose tip.
Do not...I repeat...DO NOT...ever...never-ever, nuh-heh-vuh-her waste money on WalMart panty hose. I purchased a pair yesterday, of which I'm kind of wearing today...loosely and literally speaking. Every time I stand up in my office cubicle, the pantyhose don't. Currently the 'panty' part is inching it's way past my nether-regions.

aaarrrgggghhhh...I'm not kidding when I say, when I get home tonight from work, I'm going to take them off, light a match and have a little bonfire outside in the firepit. Have I said recently how much I really hate WalMart? Cause, I really hate WalMart.

I've got you under my skin...Miss Bea

1 comment:

the original bohemian traveler said...

You gotta know that I just love ya! I crack up all the time!