21 March 2011

Fall 2011 Fashion Recap

I'm not sure why, but I always find it intriguing the things that 'inspire' artists. I eluded to that in an earlier post about fashion designers D2Squared. But as I did a recap of the 2011 Fall Fashion Shows, I have to admit to having more than one head scratching moment of, "What the heck were they thinking?" And being from the US midwest, I automatically assume that I just don't get it because I'm not one of the 'fashion-enlightened'...kind of like when I went to the Museum of Modern Art in Chicago...viewed an exhibit of a pile of frayed, knotted yarn and thought, "I think I have an unfinished knitting project at home that looks just like that." Anyway, here are a few of my thoughts and inspiration guesses as I reviewed some of the 2011 Fall Fashion.
Gown by Manish Arora...good luck sitting down in that.
Designer Rick Owen's answer to the question.
"How do you solve a problem like Maria?"
For days when 'paper or plastic' just aren't enough.
The fortune teller paper folding game! Ah memories of childhood.
Corrugated steel. It's not just for silos anymore. Dress designed
by Viktor & Rolf, with a shout out to John Deere.
There are actually a couple people in my life
that I'd like to buy these for. 'You Take My Breath Away
neck accessory' by designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac.
Always wanted to stop traffic? This look is for you.
...oh dear, my work is never done, Miss Bea

1 comment:

the original bohemian traveler said...

You just keep crackin me up. You realize this of course just validates my never-fail tee-shirt and shorts philosophy of life!?