08 September 2011

helga zee shotpootter

Hallo eveddyvahn. I em Helga, ooont I srow zee shotpooten.
Eeet may look like I em schmelling zee pickled herring, but I use my schtahnky leep ooont my icy schtair to poot zee fear een my competeetorz.

Och! I laff, ho ho, ven I zee my competeetorz. They crinch een fear ven I srow zee shotputten...I crush zem vis my leetle pinky finger.

Zee shotputten...eeet eees gone. No vahn kin finden eeet to practice.

I scoff at zee eeembeciles. Only I know ver I haf hidden zee shotputten.

Styled for Kate Winslet by Miss Bea Heyvin
Obviously, Ms. Winslet (aka Helga) has been working out. But when you're built like a brick house, the skin tight dresses, straight hair and non-descript makeup collide into quite a masculine severe look...at least, that's my opinion. Softer silhouettes, fabrics that move and drape would show off her toned physique much better than a bandage dress that looks like a sausage casing. And...basic makeup tip. Dark eyes-light lip. Light lip-dark eyes. Write that down and give it to your stylist. It's all about balance my little liebe schoen, Miss Bea

1 comment:

baileyblush said...

I agree, I don't know who styled her, but she really should sack them! Love your suggestions!
