20 May 2009

balmain sale woo hoo!

If you haven't heard yet, I just wanted to make sure you knew that net-a-porter is having a designer sale. AND (this is the best part), that Balmain crystal jacket you've been eyeing all season? Is now 30% off! I know, I know...could you just die? It's been all the buzz here in the midwest. All the soccer moms are talking about whether to buy it or feed their family for the rest of the year. Originally $11,410, it's now a mere $7,987 dollars! Woo hoo! I will say though that the little gal wearing it in the Balmain ad below looks a tad malnourished. But then, with the price of the jacket, $1597 for the sandals and another $2165 for the ripped up jeans, well I guess it stands to reason that a body would be existing on Wendy's soda crackers and tap water in order to have the dubious honor of being the fashionista of the PTA.
Kind of makes me wonder though who Balmain considers their target audience when the creative director put his/her stamp of approval on the design direction of this ad. Hmmm. It would have to be someone who appreciates a good artery-clogging-gravy-covered-deep-fried-down-home-country-meal and maybe has an obnoxious amount of disposable income...you know, the kind that rivals the national debt. Let's see...

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, Miss B.