04 June 2009

socks, sandals and shorts oh my!

A reader from Ohio writes:
Dear Miss Bea,

Would you please relay to all the men out there in blog land this message? Please Sirs, if you are going to wear shorts, please, for the love of God, PLEASE! do NOT wear dress socks!!!! Especially flesh colored socks, (and NO! black or blue are not a better choice) when you have Casper the friendly ghost white legs, flesh colored socks are NOT a wise fashion choice. Thank you Miss Bea!

Your faithful reader,
Nauseated in Columbus

Dear Nauseated~

Thank you for writing. I would have to agree. I'm also not a big fan of the socks-sandals-shorts combo. However, what once was a nerdy fashion faux pas was recently elevated to a viable fashion trend on the spring runways of New York and Milan. Balenciaga, Prada and YSL were a few of the offenders. So, whether or not the particular gentlemen you observed was trying to be fashion forward, the sad reality is that now he and other style-duds like him will be able to run amuk through the streets feeling totally fashion justified. And that my friend is a whole lot of ugly comin' our way this summer.

If you're a glutton for punishment, you can check out www.sandalandsoxer.co.uk for more stomach-churning footwear. Warning: chew 2 Pepto-bismal tabs before viewing. Seriously, not for the fashion faint of heart.

Take care now, Miss B.