02 August 2009

and the award goes to...

If you follow my blog, you may remember an earlier entry regarding my disdain for celebrities who publicly display their blossoming pregnant bellies for all the world to see.

Well, I've been thinking lately that I don't want to be known as always being a 'Negative Nellie'. So today, in an effort to be more positive, I would like to present the first ever Miss Bea Heyvin Fashion Excellence award, [or as we in the biz like to call it The BeaFE award] to Sarah Michelle Geller for being the most adorable pregnant celebrity I think I've ever seen. Girl, you are cuter than a box full of puppies.

Second runner up...Heidi Klum. Wow. Gorgeous-smorgeous.

Thankyou ladies for setting such a lovely example! Miss Bea.

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