03 August 2009


So I have this friend who lives out in California. I saw him recently and he was bemoaning his current style of eyewear. I think his exact words were, "I'm so over the titanium-metal-rimless-frame-thing...I need some new funky eye glasses." Being the insanely popular and in-demand wannabe celebrity stylist that I am [insert the sound of crickets here], I yawned and told him that I would try to fit him into my schedule. But if Cameron or Gwyneth called, he was just going to have to shuffle to the end of the line.


Anyway, I noodled around on the internet...found a few frames...emailed pictures to him and he responded by saying that he liked the OGI frames that I had sent and where could he get them in California.

Simple request really.

Nothing unusual here.

Shouldn't be a problem to find out that information...one would think.

I went on the OGI website to see if they listed locations per state. Nope. So I emailed their info address and here for your reading amusement is the email exchange that ensued:

July 28, 2009
Hi. I'm interested in some OGI frames. Could you let me know where I might find them around San Clemente, California. Thankyou!
On Jul 29, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Garren Turner wrote:
My name is Garren, and I am in the OGI Customer Service Department. I did a search, and we do not have a retailer in clemente,Ca. If you send me your zip code, I can find a retailer closest to your area. If you would like to give us a call, we can be reached @ 1-888-560-1060. Thank you!
On Jul 29, 2009, at 6:30 PM, I wrote:
San Clemente, CA. The zip is 92674.
On Jul 30, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Garren Turner wrote:
Hello. I checked San Clemente, and the zip code you provided. I'm, sorry to inform you that we do not have a retailer within those areas. If you would like to send me a list of some surrounding cities close to San Clemente, I would be more than happy to check them for you?
On Jul 29, 2009, at 11:15 AM, I wrote:
Los Angeles?
On Jul 30, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Garren Turner wrote:
O.K. We do have retailer's in Los Angeles, but since the city is so large, do you have a zip code so I can find a location that will be closer to you?
On Jul 30, 2009, at 10:22 PM, I write:
Dear Mr. Lieberman~

I'm forwarding to you an email exchange that I have had with OGI's customer service. I thought you would find it sadly interesting. I don't think I need to tell you how important customer inquiries are to your business.
On Jul 30, 2009, at 11:12 PM, Dan Lieberman wrote:
Dear Miss Bea,

Thank you for your inquiry and comments. I am on vacation but I have copied our customer service manager, Amber Bay, and she will follow up with you tomorrow.

We are always striving to provide the best possible customer service and it is emails like this that remind us there is always room for improvement.

Best Regards

Dan Lieberman

OGI, LLC/Scojo New York, LLC


It's Monday, August 3rd at 6:29 PM and I have yet to hear from Amber Bay, the OGI customer service manager. This isn't that hard, right? It's not like I'm asking them for 10 different ways to fold a pocket square. Sheesh.

To be continued...

Not seeing eye-to-eye, Miss Bea.

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