Dee Dee...sweetie...
Why, oh why would you ever think this was a good idea to wear for your interview with Jimmy Kimmel...on national television no less?
I'm almost speechless...
...'almost' hum...
A couple thoughts:
1)Make a mental note, blouson tops never, ever look good on anyone who has any amount of chest or thigh amplitude. In fact I think the word 'blouson' is actually french for 'let's blow something up and make it appear bigger than it is'. You know how the french are...always putting a sauce on something or getting all blistered and making a big tadoo over nothing. Anyway, back to blouson tops...the waist gets lost and you end up looking like a tank...and nobody wants that.
2)Speaking of tanks, you should probably stay away from any color that even remotely looks like camouflage and baby poo. Unless you're planning to leave right after the show for paratrooper patrol.
3)I think the last time I saw that amount of wrinkles in one place was when the Super Sixties took a caravan of motor coaches to Branson for the weekend. If you're contemplating sitting, then you better re-think the silk jumpsuit deal.
Here's what I would suggest for you instead of the jumpsuit...however, if I were your stylist...which I'm not...but if I were, I would probably have recommended another color that was more television friendly.
Lastly, I want you to know that I think you're fabulous. As far as I can tell, you seem to handle your celebrity loosely and don't take yourself too seriously. I've seen you go up against the likes of Letterman and Jon Stewart and totally hold your own. If you could just find a better stylist...
hmmmm...that gives me an idea...
xoxo, Miss Bea
Excellent advice!!! In your recommendation, what are those shoes? I'm drawn to them!!
here's the link for the shoes.
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