01 December 2009

kidman and hudson at the AMAs

ugh...I'm so behind in my posting. I apologize. I have this current obsession with Shopstyle that I have to get under control. I keep telling myself, "I can quit anytime..." hmmm...heard that before. I may be starting a group called "Shopstyle Anonymous", complete with a 12 step program to rid yourself of compulsive shoe buying.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Nicole Kidman and Kate Hudson presenting at the AMAs in some of the most stomach churning evening wear I've seen in quite a looooong time. Nicole honey, why in the world would you wear anything the color of Pepto-Bismal? Good grief. I feel like hurling my giblets just looking it. Fashion tip for you: if it reminds you of an antacid, don't wear it.

And Kate...where I come from, if I had a chest that looked like an eighth grade boy, I'd be making a trip to Vick's and get me one of them there padded-miracle-push-up-bra-dealios. Cause that dress and those wooden elf shoes from Holland are not doing you any favors.

And finally, to the both of you, for heavens sake, stand up! Shoulders back and chest forward girls or you're going to end up looking all bent over like my great aunt Mee-Maw. Bless her heart. I will say though that in her latter years, she was the life of the party at the senior center. If the light was just right, she could cast a shadow the likes of Mount Olive that you've ever seen. sigh...I miss her.

Climb every mountain, Miss Bea

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