15 January 2010

Messing around.

Dear Debra Messing and Meg Ryan~

I'm always amazed when I run to the grocery or the post office as to what disheveled state of affairs most people will leave the house looking like. I've seen people in their pajamas. I've seen women with curlers in their hair. I once saw a woman in the check out lane at Kroger with Crest white strips on her teeth...upper and lower...trying to talk to the cashier without spitting. On occasion, I will take a mad dash out my front door to put a letter in the mailbox and inevitably UPS or FedEx or worse, one of my neighbors will drive by and see me out by the curb in a ripped BonJovi tshirt and my hair all smooshed to the side of my head.

Which brings me to my point...

If I know better than to go out in public in a less that presentable fashion, I would think that a celebrity would be on hyper-alert when it comes to that type of thing.

...obviously not.

I will say though, that there is a part of me that applauds celebrities who just live their lives, like the rest of us, and pay no mind to the paparazzi. But then on the other hand, I think...you wanted to be a star, you chose this career path...so buck up baby...this is part of what it means to constantly be in the public eye...scrutinized every time you're out and about. You want to go makeup commando?...that's fine...just be prepared to get booted from the next issue of "People's 100 Most Beautiful Stars".

Anyway, back to the matter at hand...I'm really tired of Meg Ryan dressing like a boy. I'd love to see her in a cute skirt with leggings and a flat boot. And Debra...? Where do I begin? You can keep the black turtleneck, but just put everything else in the drop box at Salvation Army. And honestly, I don't even know if they can get rid of it.

Toodle-ooo, Miss Bea

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