20 March 2010

moss ring

Just ran across this little number and had to share it with all you horticultural fashionistas...because there are so many of you out there.


TAADAA!!! It's a moss ring...minus the Kate...as in Kate Moss [get it?]. And, it can be yours for a mere $255 from a company called "Growing Jewelry House". Now that's ingenious...packaging free tree fungus in a sterling silver ring setting that probably cost $10 to make. The last time I paid $255 for a fungus it involved my OBGYN and a freight pallet of Monistat. Anyhoo, the directions for taking care of most sterling silver rings usually amount to using a polishing cloth every once in a while. So that being said, check these out:

"Silver ring with moss from Growing Jewelry House. The moss can stay green for 6 to 8 months if watered every 5 weeks. Store the ring in the fridge to preserve the best quality of the moss."

I'm pretty sure I've never intentionally grown something green in my refrigerator...ever. 

So the designer is a guy from Iceland...

...it's starting to make sense now isn't it. Like what else is there to do in Iceland except, grow moss, you ask. Well...

"Firstly don't miss riding an Icelandic Pony, even if you are not a rider. You may go on a trail ride with ponies that simply follow behind the leader. Mostly you will walk but they will make the pony do the famous "trot". Typically horses have three gaits: walk, trot, cantor and gallop. In Iceland they have a fourth. This is a lot of fun because it is faster than walking but slower than running.

The country is full of beautiful waterfalls, rivers and even geysers. The thermal activity is quite high so visiting a few sites with steamy water coming out of the ground is a must! They even heat their homes with this! Rent a car a go on a drive to visit several sites like this in a day.
Two continental plates meet in Iceland creating a spectacular "crack" in the earth. You may walk along it for miles as it is not too deep. It is almost like walking in a small canyon.
In Reykjavík the capital you should spend an evening at the "Volcano Show" where you can learn about the volcanic activity underground and see how recently some of the island was formed!" ~Source Wiki Answers

So, let me just sum this up for you...I personally am not going to pay a bizillion dollars to 1)ride a pony 2)look for steamy water coming out of the ground 3)check out their 'spectacular crack'...I have one of those of my own that I look at every day, and believe me, no large crack I've ever seen is ever preceded with the word 'spectacular', and 4)sit on top of a volcano. If I'm interested in doing that, I can order the cabbage rolls at Schmidt's German Haus and be sitting on my own volcano in about 5 minutes. 

Okay, back to the moss ring...(wow...talk about tangents)...the designer of the moss ring is a guy by the name of Hafsteinn Juliusson. And, I have to admit that before I looked at his website I thought, "What a wackadoodle. Here's some shyster trying to hitch a ride on Chia Pet's coat tails." But, then I visited his website, and I started to smile. I love artsy people. Especially the ones who don't take themselves too seriously and are out there just doing life and being creative.

My hats off to you Mr. Juliusson. May the forest be with you, Miss Bea.

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