17 March 2010

warning! may cause retinal hemorhage

Put these on.



Very good. Now...a little backstory...

When I was a little girl, I remember my mother telling me, "Sweetheart, don't stare into the sun. You could burn your eyes out." uhhhhh...I won't go into whether that was the most appropriate thing to put in a five year old's noggin'. After that, every time I went to play outside, I'd be fearful that one stray glance toward the sun and zzzztttt. But, I digress...  Many years later and a chunk of change in psychiatric bills, I came across this image of Dana Delaney at the 25th Annual Spirit Awards, and I literally thought to myself, "This must be what it feels like to stare into the sun." 

Yikes! Anyone else sporting a migraine after that? I think either Dana or her stylist took the 'spirit' in Spirit Awards a tad literally and had a few 'spirits' of their own. They had to for either one of them to think that dress was a good idea.

I will give her props though for somehow finding and more importantly, having the courage [or dumb nuts] to wear the shoes and bag. I'm sure she'll get a whole lot of use out of those...you know...cause orange and pink go so well with...uhmm...go so well with...hmmm...go so well with, uh, other oranges and pinks.

So Dana-dear, if you're dead set on wearing these colors, maybe solids, rather than a pattern would be better. Especially against that backdrop. 

Excedrin Migraine here I come, Miss Bea.
[click on the link above for an Excedrin Migraine $1 coupon. don't ever say Miss Bea isn't looking out for ya]

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